Use this popup menu to specify the default directory to search.
Use this popup menu to specify the default directory to search. Not available because there are no directories defined. Click the add button to create one.
To add a new directory, click here.
Option-click to add a new directory that is a copy of the current one.
To edit the current directory, click here.
To delete the current directory, click here.
This is the LDAP server for the current directory.
This is the search base for the current directory.
To limit the number of returned addresses from the server, enter a number here. (Use 0 for no limit.)
To limit the amount of time to wait addresses to be returned from the server, enter the number of seconds here.
To separate addresses with commas instead of carriage returns, click here.
To separate addresses with carriage returns instead of commas, click here.
To include personal names with addresses, click here.
To only use addresses (no personal names), click here.
This is the current e-mail application which will be sent the "mailto URLs".
To specify a different e-mail applicaiton, click here.
To specify a different e-mail application, click here. Not available becuase the e-mail application is maintained by Internet Config.
To include trailing nulls in mailto URLs, click here.
To exclude trailing nulls in mailto URLs, click here.
To let the Internet Config utility to specify the default directory and e-mail application, click here.
To ignore the Internet Config utility and let LDapper maintain the e-mail application, click here.
To use Navigation Services when opening and saving files, click here.
To use the old style Standard File dialogs when opening and saving files, click here.